Lockdown theology: Being alone is "not good" by Sheila Good
Jan 12, 2021Why Community? 🌟
Some lockdown theology...🔥
God rocked the earth in the beginning with the glorious unfolding of His holy to-do list declaring that each thing was “good”. 😁
But what you may not realize is that He said all of this before he mentions His first, “not good”. 🧐
He blessed each thing He created, saying “Dude... this is good”. 💫✨👑🌟🙏 (I think He even used many emojis).
I want to knock down to do lists like my Heavenly Father...
God’s To do List...
✅ Light
(Phew! All good!) 😊
....and last but not least..,..
✅Man and woman (very good) 😍
What fun God must have had making so much good stuff. “Man this is good...!!” He says.
Until ...the first “not good”.
Later, the LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make the woman to be an authority corresponding to him.” Genesis 2:18 ISV
Being alone......not good. 😢🙁
Interesting right?
One might think that the first of the “not goods” might have more to do with the 10 commandments right? Like...
“Hey chosen one........it’s not good to”:
Take home your best friend’s wife to your bed —not good
Egg your parent’s house—not good
Steal a jar of Nutella—not good
Kill the man who slandered you—not good
But no.....
The first “not good” is being alone.
Because it’s the aloneness that leads to desperate acts....
Gangs and the horrific violence start as a deep hunger for community......
Sex outside of marriage is satisfying a hunger to be loved even if it’s only a glimpse of what could be and just for a night.....
Rage occurs and gives birth to sin when there is no one to shoulder the pain, to work out hurts with the gift of an attentive loving ear....
When we hear of a school shooting, no one ever says about the offender, “That person was so loving, so hospitable, had beautiful dinner parties, outgoing, friendly, positive, liked by all.....”
When we are left alone, untouched, unattended to, unloved, forgotten...without deep friendship and connection we become cold and unresponsive and float into acts of gracelessness.
Life ungraced is not good.
Life alone, not good.
When we resist the holy glue of true friendship, community and connection we are resisting true encounters with God Himself.
We are called (with holy hemmings of healthy relations) to be submitted to one another, clothed with humility (James 5:5 paraphrased).
We are called to be companions.
The word “companion” literally breaks down to two latin words
Com (together) and panis (bread) which literally translates to “break bread together”. Sharing, nourishing one another, touching the same loaf together....
It’s not good to be alone.
We are called to conquer our enemies, and our in-a-me, together.
To partake in rivers of grace in me, through me and for me ...for you.....
Did you know that researchers are saying loneliness is becoming a lethal social epidemic with a 50% increase in an early death than those in social connection?
In a real marriage and in real friendships in community, there will be honesty, humility, and growth. The ability to be “naked and unashamed”. Interestingly, these are also the necessary elements for a grace-filled, life of spiritual freedom.
I find it so interesting that ‘freedom’ and ‘friend’ share the same root: *fri, or *pri, meaning ‘love.’
‘Friend’ and ‘free’ being inexplicably intertwined; our combined power equips us to overcome in this world!
Freedom comes as a fruitful by-product of being in community.
Joy comes in community.
Love comes in community.
Maturity comes in community.
Go, reach out ....
Be willing ....wrapped in His grace...to unfold your furled, parched edges...
Allow a soaking.💦💦💦
A refreshing.
Allow the process of community to bring more love, more light, more healing...
God did not call you to do this alone. ✨