Encased In Grace

Dec 14, 2020

“He who has bathed needs only to wash his feet, but is completely clean.”

John 13:10


Recently I had the opportunity to feel dirty. Now before your mind sails down gutter-alley, allow me to explain. 


I experienced an attack on my person and it made me feel dirty inside. You know the kind.....mud-slingers that show up in left field and aim right for your heart. Because you are reflective and choose to own your stuff, you allow the mud to sit, to harden, to en-case. But my friend, it has no legal right. 


We are encased in grace. 


Your relationship with Jesus has cleansing power that lasts. 


The scandal of grace is this: 


Jesus took all your junk and said, “I own this and choose to take ALL-punishment for your sin. This is a done deal so don’t swing back round this mountain to try to re-claim your baggage for its no longer here.  However, periodic foot washing is highly suggested.” (New Sheila translation lol)


Here Jesus kindly reminds us that yes we will mess up, it’s simply a by-product of living in flesh-suits on planet earth but to live FULLY faith-filled, pressing-onward, continually saturated in his knowledge that we are already clean. 


Got a big to-do list hovering over you today? 

Have lasting reminders of past mistakes made?

Feel unworthy to walk in full joy?


Don’t allow temporary dirt to create a mud slide of unwanted mind bats that aim to kill your joy. It’s the joy that empowers you to accomplish great things...not the fear of dirt. 


So as Taylor Swift says, “Shake it off!” You were already made clean.  Start operating from a place of “chosen” instead of “must prove worthiness”. 


Get out your to-love list and begin with yourself first. 


Jesus did. 


Coach Sheila 👑🦸‍♀️